
Küp Gezegenler 4 / Cube Planets 4, Ephemeral Sculpture, İstanbul, Turkey, 2018-2023
26x26x26 cm
Ephemeral installation of clay forms dissolving in water and metal, moss and earth undergoing a change in their own process in glass and acrylic containers.

Küp Gezegenler 3 / Cube Planets 3, Ephemeral Sculpture, Ankara, Turkey, 2018-2023
26x26x26 cm
Ephemeral installation of clay forms dissolving in water and metal and moss undergoing a change in their own process in glass and acrylic containers.

Küp Gezegenler 1 / Cube Planets 1, Ephemeral Sculpture, Newark, DE, USA, 2018-
26x26x26 cm
Ephemeral installation of white clay forms dissolving in water in acrylic containers.


Hiçliğin Ortası / In the Middle of Nowhere, Ankara, 2015
70x117x70 cm
Glass, metal, ceramic, water, plant.
Life searches for emergency exits. Escape from the crowd, from problems, from being unhappy, from responsibilities, from the closest ones, from the ones the farthest away, from something that you do not even know, without a reason, gather all the reasons together and escape from them, escape to be chased, escape from trouble, from happiness, from peace, from the good, from health... Actually, at the core of everything, there is always a search for a change, thus people leave in a hurry, running out of the door pointed by the arrow in the green sign. They open the doors one by one, feeling freer by closing them behind. When they are in the nature finally, they think, passing all those emergency exits, “I am just under the sky, I am free.”Is being under the sky means freedom? Is freedom beyond the sky? Or even beyond it, and even beyond? I hugged my own emergency exit door and passed through all the other exits with it, on the other side of my own door, is still this same view…

Gökdelenlerin Gökyüzü Rüyaları / Sky Dreams of Skyscrapers, Ankara, 2014
50 cm (height)
Cast and hand shaped ceramic and mixed media.

Yüksek Bahçeler / High Gardens, 2014
11x11 cm (each piece)
Cast and hand shaped ceramic and artificial grass.